Smell and Taste Loss
What is the Underlying Cause?
The loss of smell and taste can affect us in ways we didn’t think were possible. We will eat poorly, our mood can be altered, and our social life can all be at risk. A sudden loss of smell and/or taste may indicate a more severe issue at heart such as sinus disease or blockages in the nasal passages such as growths. In rare cases, the loss of these senses may indicate a brain tumor.
A loss of smell is most common in adults over the age of 60, while our prime years for smell and taste occur between age 30 and 60. The loss can be from a variety of causes, including tobacco smoking, polyps in the sinus cavities, dental problems, upper respiratory infections and/or injury to the head.
Anti-allergy drugs seem to improve the sense of smell and taste, while some medications may be the cause of the sensory loss. If the cause is from an infection, the senses will usually return as the infection goes away.
Be sure to bring a list to Miya & Torchinsky ENT of all your allergies, medications, flu or cold history and all your symptoms. With this information we will be able to diagnose and treat your loss of smell and taste more effectively.